Friday, August 20, 2010

Chicken and mushroom steam rice

After bored with same menu, beef rendang, for break the fast and early breakfast on the first week in Ramadan, I decided to make "Nasi Tim Ayam Jamur" - "Chicken and Mushroom Steam Rice"

-> Chicken and Mushroom
    1 chicken breast, diced

    15 button mushrooms
    2 cloves garlic, crushed with 5 cm
    3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
    1 tbsp soy sauce
    2 tbsp oyster sauce

Saute garlic and ginger for 3 minutes, add all sauces and chicken breast and mushroom. Add 1/4 glass of water. Cook until the water absorbed.

-> Steam Rice
    1 cloves garlic, crushed
    250 gr rice, washed
    500 ml chicken stock
    white pepper powder

Saute garlic, add rice, white pepper powder and salt. Stir for 5 minutes. Add chicken stock and cook for 30 minutes or 2/3 done.

Put chicken and mushroom at the bottom heatproof bowl then the rice. Keep continue until all chicken and rice have been used up.

Put the bowl in steam pot, and steam for another 30 minutes.

Enjoy cooking.

Kabul, 20 August 2010


Nuraini (Eny) Atullah said...

it sounds complicated for me (soale daku gak bisa masak).
but will try at home to make kids and husband love me more.

Anonymous said...

yup complicated banget, cape deeeh

coklat online said...

om owing blognya ada ngga ya yg pakai bahasa indonesia hehehehe,kaga tau artinya hahahahaa

Unknown said...

Buat mbak Eny sama Anonymous (siapa ya..??)
Mungkin kalo dicoba gak akan sesulit yang dibayangin... jangan lupa kalau masak jangan sambil ngedumel ya... :-D

Buat Coklat online, semua pake bahasa Inggris yang standar kok.. coba deh dibaca pelan2, pasti ngerti.. :-)

DewiGreenjo said...

Win, semoga pas gue sampe DC, gue bisa coba banyak resepmu ya Dear. xoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Dewi.. silahkan aja.. maaf, baru liat pertanyaan soal caster sugar, tapi udah dijawab ya Wi...

HeraElla said...

Windu,,,boleh jg nih, kapan2 nyoba bikin aah, soalnya report banget kalo pas miswa sakit, maunya mkn nasi tim, nyari di pd.gede susah boww!!!!